08 6285 3000info@bumpitybump.com.au

Pregnancy Education

Preggo Ed is a practical and informative education session run by Continence and Pelvic Health Physio Julie Lynch and will cover what is important to help keep you fit for your new "Bump".

It's a great way to get a head start so early in your pregnancy. Jools will provide you with up-to-date, evidence based guidelines to help you stay pain free and physically active during your pregnancy journey.

The class will cover how to:

*Activate your pelvic floor muscles correctly

*Exercise safely in your pregnancy

*Avoid lower back and pelvic pain

*Manage your abdominal muscle separation

*Adopt a correct sleeping posture

and any other questions or concerns you might have about your changing body if time permits.

If you are more than 14 weeks you are welcome to come along and the session is for first time mums as well those 2nd or 3rd time mums who just need a refresher or maybe this time your pregnancy feels different.

Up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines

If you are more than 14 weeks you are welcome to come along, There is no cost for the class, questions, please do not hesitate.

Time: Tuesday evenings 5.30pm-7.00pm

Carine Clubrooms, Carine Region Open Space
Beach Road (near Okely Road)
West room entry

Dates for 2024:

  • 30th Jan
  • 19th March
  • 7th May
  • 16th July
  • 3rd Sept
    5th Nov

If you would like to make a booking, please visit our book online page and go to group sessions, select Education Class (Pregnancy Class) and click on your preferred class date.

If you need any more info or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch and we hope to see you there.

Contact us today to book your first consultation or class

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